Grupo de mulheres com queixas difusas em um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial: estudos nas Representações Sociais. / Group of women with complaints diffuse a Psychosocial Care Center: Studies in Social Representations.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The psychic suffering in women has its relevance in context of Centers of Psychosocial Attention (CAPS). It aimed to apprehend the social representations of women about the psychic suffering, participation in groups of diffuse complaints in CAPS and use of medicines. The study has as axis the Theory of Social Representations and use of multimethods, its nature is qualitative, but presents a quantitative stage. The investigation field was CAPS of Aquiraz, Ceará. The sample had the participation of one hundred women, the criteria of inclusion were to accept take part of research, being of female gender, to present any kind of symptom referent to psychic suffering, to taking part or already took part of therapy of group at CAPS, making or not use of controlled medicines. In first place, it used the Test of Free Association of Words with the inductor stimulus: woman, suffering, medicine, therapy of group, family and medical treatment preceded a questionnaire to get the socio demographic profile of women. In second moment, it was applied the semi-structured interview in ten participant chosen randomly with the initial question: Why did you search CAPS?. The words evoked in TAL were processed by Tri-deux-mots software, being submitted to Factorial Analysis of Correspondence. The primary narratives of interviews were analyzed by technique of analysis of content of categorical type, which following was reorganized in form of thematic. The representations apprehended were organized in three themes: Symptom- a maze with multiple exits (theme 1)- categories: sadness and cry: two faces of suffering; negative thoughts; bad of absence of dialogue. The discovery of CAPS (theme 2)- categories: trajectory to reception; conception of CAPS. Change in conception of model of treatment (theme 3)- categories: group: door to mental health; medicine treatment; difficulties to not participate in group. As general considerations of study we have that women that need medical care in health services that are specifically related to mental health, produce the construction of CAPS social representation presented in form of prejudices. The signification of CAPS as new place of serve services to people porter of psychiatric breakdown, incorporated the former sense attributed to psychiatric hospital as place of crazy/mad. To enter at CAPS means to form defensive conducts to place of mad by orientation in communication of common sense. The destiny is controlled by medic diagnosis and controlled medicines. Although, to enter and participate of group therapy is to form conduct of social being, helpful, with determination and control of own destiny. The liberty of come and go to group are deprived of control except of choice of his destiny or come, thus, therapy of group comes out as function in formation of conduct of social being, unique, human as all else. The therapy of group in same space of CAPS get rename what is popularly is meant as madness, that pass to be recognized as suffering and pain, common feelings to every human mortal.


representações sociais saúde mental diálogo saude publica social representations mental health dialogue

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