Growth and yield mensuration and modeling of non-thinned stands of eucalyptus clones / Mensuração e modelagem do crescimento e da produção de povoamentos não-desbastados de clones de eucalipto




The objective of this study was to develop procedures to quantify the volume of trees and stratify forests aiming to classify the productive capacity and growth and yield modeling of clonal plantings of non-thinned eucalyptus. To quantify tree volume data from 2.036 trees from commercial eucalyptus clones were used, owned by CAF Santa Bárbara Company, with volume equations being adjusted for each stratum (clone and region). For each tree, a taper model was adjusted. Three trees from new clones without specific volume equation were then felled, classified as small, medium and large in terms of dap and total height. The taper model was adjusted to the three cubed trees. Based on the parameter estimates, a measurement of similarity with the parameters of the adjusted models was calculated for the 2.036 commercial clone trees. The commercial clone tree presenting the lowest Euclidian distance value when compared with the new clone was considered the most similar, thus the volume equation of this clone was used to estimate the tree volume of the new clone. This procedure was denominated profile similarity method. For forest stratification for purposes of productive capacity and growth and yield modeling, data from a company in the state of Bahia were used. The procedure consisted of grouping clones with similar traits in terms of growth in volume, basal area, dominant height, and mean diameter, applying the Tocher grouping method to obtain site index estimates per groups of clones. The procedure was found to be efficient, evidencing the need to stratify eucalyptus forests for yielding capacity studies. The growth and yield study showed that the model V2=V1 + βo (1+β1e - β2I2)-1 - βo ( 1 + β1e -β1e -β2I1)-1 adjusted by modeling stratum was more efficient than the Clutter model, for purposes of volumetric stocking prognosis. It could be concluded that growth and yield estimates for clones with less than three measurements can be carried out by means of specific models by stratum or applying a general model. However, this decision must be evaluated by the modeling agent and by the user. For growth and yield modeling studies, a great interaction between modeling agent and user is necessary to obtain precise and bias-free volumetric estimates.


growth modeling prognose classificação da capacidade produtiva eucalyptus clones prognosis manejo florestal clones de eucalipto productive capacity classification modelagem de crescimento

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