GRENJ: um framework obtido por um processo iterativo de reengenharia aplicando TDD




Software systems must satisfy the users requeriments and use current technologies. Thus, these systems are in constant evolution and several software maintenance tasks are carried out in order to adapt them to the users requirements as well as to the current technologies. When there is a change in the technology used by these systems, an approach to their revitalization is reengineering, which is classified as a preventive maintenance. This research project presents the iterative process applied during the reengineering of the GREN framework, which is built based on the GRN pattern language. The GREN framework was originally implemented in Smalltalk, a very spread programming language, mainly within the academic community. In the proposed reengineering process the JavaTMlanguage and AspectJ, which is an aspect-oriented JavaTMextension, were used during the framework implementation resulting from the reengineering process. This new framework is called GRENJ. The proposed process can be used to reengineer systems developed with OO paradigm, in order to change its implementation language to another OO language. That process is iterative, incremental, and applies reverse engineering patterns, test-driven development and refactoring. The GRENJ framework has approximately twenty-eight thousand source code lines, of which approximately ten thousand are related to tests created during the development. The GRENJ framework documentation was generated using the javadoc tool. A hypothetical system that satisfies the basics requirements of a rental video store was instantiated using the GRENJ framework.


desenvolvimento guiado por testes frameworks ciencia da computacao reengenharia de software reengenharia orientada a objetos

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