Granded algebras and graded polynomial identities / Algebras graduadas e identidades polinomiais graduadas




In this work we study graded algebras and graded polynomial identities. We study two types of problems: finding the possible gradings on a given algebra, and finding a basis forthe graded identities of a given algebra. We begin with the basic definitions and results onalgebras, graded algebras, (graded) polynomial identities, etc. We give a description of thepossible gradings on the matrix algebra over an algebraically closed filed, and of the upper triangular matrices when the field is algebraically closed of characteristic 0, and the group is abelian and finite. Then we study the graded identities of the matrix algebra over a field K and of the algebras M11(E) and E ф E where E is the infinite dimensional Grassmann (or exterior) algebra.


noncommutative algebra pi-algebras polinomios algebra não-comutativa pi-algebras polynomials

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