Governo eletrônico em administrações locais brasileiras : avaliação de progresso, fatores intervenientes e critérios de priorização de iniciativas




The study is intended to assess progress and practices within the context of Brazilian e-government initiatives at state and local levels, in view of developing a model and establishing recommendations to favor and support de dissemination of those initiatives. It is an information science issue in the sense that it deals with promptness and capabilities of public agencies and individuals in accessing and using information and communication technologies. Two methods were developed: evaluation of local governments regarding their maturity, and decision model based on objective approaches - aimed at progressively guiding those governments. Four work strategies were established as a research guide. First, it is verified how international public and private organisms have been measuring society and government readiness for access and use of technologies. A comparative ranking of international research works is presented from which derived an experimental maturity model for e-government progress evaluation. Second, based on these studies, on literature review and on a case study, field research tools were elaborated. The third strategy consists of field survey research applied to state and local governments, for testing the proposed e-government maturity model and gathering elements related to remaining research issues. The results of these research works are contained in a set of experiences and practices on e-government that reflect the progress of Brazilian e-government initiatives. The fourth strategy consists of a statistical model and recommendations for supporting state governments in selecting municipalities for implementation or improvement of e-government initiatives, integrating them in an intra-state network of electronic information, services and communication, so that local governments could benefit from the advances verified at states level.


governo eletrônico estadual local e-government tecnologia de informação e comunicação ciencia da informacao state e-government processo hierárquico analítico ia governo eletrônico e-governo information and communication technology analytic hierarchy process ahp public services technology literacy métricas em governo eletrônico electronic government information science e-gov ai inclusão digital alfabetização digital information architecture tic modelos referenciais de governo eletrônico ciência da informação arquitetura de informação digital divide e-government e-readiness inclusão digital e-government reference model e-government assessment serviços públicos prontidão para governo eletrônico ict governo eletrônico em prefeituras municipais digital divide

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