Governança no sistema produtivo do peixe nas regiões de Dourados e Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul: uma abordagem baseada na teoria econômica dos custos de transação e na teoria econômica das convenções




For the study of agribusiness different theoretical currents were present, focus is given to Agricultural industrial Systems (SAGs), which brings a theoretical framework with respectful authors, and one of the current theoretical study relevant to the SAGs is the Theory of Economic Costs of Trade (ECT). But the understanding of the production systems requires a study of other theoretical foundations in which the Institutional Economics emphasizes the role of formal institutions translated in the form of contractual law, with the focus on that ECT is a comparative analysis of the alternative forms of governance, which are: market, hybrid structures and hierarchy in order to minimize costs of transactions. Another theory discussed in this work is the theory of the Conventions, which seeks to understand the relationships between the actors of a system, allowing coordination group modes of formal and informal. This work it is, a study based on the theory of the costs of transaction with institutional support of the theory and conventions. From the analysis of this inter-relationship, set up the new structures of governance reduce transaction costs, which include elements of ECT and the Economic Theory of the Conventions. The goal of this dissertation is to identify and analyze the structures of governance (based on assumptions of ECT) adopted in SAG fish farming in the region of Dourados and Campo Grande Mato Grosso do Sul, from theoretical assumptions developed by the Economic Theory of the Conventions. The cases chosen are classified by size of enterprise (bars of water in hectares), which are: from small, medium and large, and transactions are specifically discussed proposals in the picture that describes the productive system of farming. In all transactions are reviewed the following characteristics: the characterization of the agents, level of rationality of agents, identifying the transaction, criteria for the completion of the transaction, identification of the agent coordinator, existence and degree of importance of specific asset, frequency of transaction, uncertainty in the transaction, formation of social capital and forms of conventions and structures of governance in place. After examining the transactions studied realizes the importance of informal agreements and the presence of formal agreements. In transactions where the contractual relationship is present, or formal agreements (producer of fingerlings "G" / export, producer of fattening "G" / frigorification slaughter, slaughter / frigorification "G" / export and slaughter / frigorification "G" / retail) the specific assets increase, in other transactions the informal agreements are made more transactions. It follows that the complementarities between the theories can propose alternative modes of governance, which aims to reduce costs and risks of transactions and could bring an effective contribution to the choice of governance structures for each particular case.


psyculture production systems piscicultura sistemas produtivos administracao de setores especificos

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