Gíria : o universo linguístico de adolescentes infratores do Paraná




This work investigated the slangy language of adolescent offenders interned in 06 (six) Centres of Partner-education of the state of the Paraná, distributed iguality for 03 (three) cities of the State: Curitiba, Londrina and Foz do Iguaçu, and it had since objectives disseminated the verbal slangy heap used by these adolescents, near the academic community and the society in general; to organize a Vocabulary of Slangs of adolescent offenders of the state of the Paraná and; to analyse linguistically the verbal collected heap, besides supply subsidies for the improvement of the communication between several professionals who work straightly or indirectly with the investigated group. The collection of data was carried out by the author of the work, through interviews with 60 adolescents (20 of each city-pole), of the masculine sex, with age between 14 and 18 years. The interviews were orientated by specific questionnaire and the collected data after transcripts and organized; they subsidized the preparation of the Vocabulary of the Slang of the Adolescent Offenders of the Paraná, which organization was ruled in the presuppositions of contemporary lexicographic theories. The nomenclature of the Vocabulary joined 374 entries organized in alphabetical order. Besides, the linguistic documented facts were analysed from the qualitative point of view, with emphasis for the general characteristics that stood out in the set of the organized vocabulary, among others, the relation between some slangs and his respective use or not for part of the adolescents; the question of the attitudes and of the linguistic obvious taboos in the slangs used by the studied group, besides questions made a list to the structure and the formation of the lexias of the vocabulary. Of 374 entries of the Vocabulary, 75 % are situated between them not-dicionarizated and the dicionarizated with another sense, result that ratifies the relevance of the inquiry. Besides, the study confirmed the importance of the slang in the establishment of the social relations in the context of the investigated group, considering, specially, the question of the linguistics attitudes and of the taboos in front of determined referents and to the lexical unities that nominate them, factors that interfere in the process of lexical creation, when the significant productivity is standing out, in this individual, of lexias complex and of the semantic neologisms, especially the originating ones from stylistic resources as the metaphor and the metonimics. The inquiry confirmed, finally, the importance of the lexicon as mechanism of veiculation of the world vision of a social group.


gíria delinquentes juvenis - vocabulário slang lexicografia delinquents juvenile - vocabulary sociolinguistics sociolinguística lexicology

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