Gestão por competências e desempenho profissional: um estudo de caso do modelo de avaliação por múltiplas fontes do Banco do Brasil S.A.




The present study deals with the management of skills, which is awakening interest of researchers and organizations, and there is a production expressive academic and a growing number of companies who decide to adopt models of management referenced in this concept. This survey reports the experience in the adoption of a system of assessment of performance skills by the Bank of Brazil, national organization of the financial sector, which formally assess the performance of their employees for more than 40 years. The goal of the study was to investigate the perception of the officials of the Bank about the new model. His assumptions were:H1 - The new Model Evaluation of the Performance Skills for-GDP made the process more democratic, enabling greater participation of officials; H2 - The new Model Evaluation of Performance, Skills for Multiple sources reduced the subjectivity in the evaluation process; H3 - The vision of the new Skills Model minimizou the generality of the evaluation process to adopt Skills common to all officials (Fundamental), the specific role Occupational Skills (Managerial), and Skills specific to the area of expertise of the official (Special); H4 - The process of monitoring is aligned to the premise of focus on professional development provided by the new model of management performance; H5-GDP integrates properly in a single model: the Management Skills and for the Evaluation of Performance for Multiple Sources and the Balanced Scorecard; H6 - The new model encourages self-development of officials to integrate options for training with topics related to the Skills evaluated. Adopted to methodological strategy of the case study, exploratory, descriptive in nature, inferencial of comparative reasons, building is primary and secondary sources. The secondary sources involved review of literature on state of the art and in the field evaluation of performance and management competence and document analysis by the company searched. The primary data were collected in the field in which research was used structured questionnaire, composed by 32 assertivas ones, grouped into six factors - democratization and participation of officials in the evaluation process, evaluation by multiple sources and the subjectivity of the process; approach for skills and the generalization of the process; monitoring with focus on the premise of professional development officer; the proper integration in a single instrument, by the management skills, the evaluation by multiple sources and the BSC, and the stimulus to the self training of officials. This questionnaire derived from theoretical and empirical review on the matter and identify the critical points of the previous evaluation system, highlighted by the officials during the 4 th Forum for the Management of Persons promoted by the Bank. The questionnaire was submitted to the search and evaluation semantic content with the search, specialist expertise in the subject, followed by the completion of two pre-tests with individuals equivalent to the population of the search. The application to the population searched resulted in 844 questionnaires answered, which represented 47% of the total employees of the agencies of the Bank of Brazil located in Salvador. The results were subjected to statistical analysis descriptive and inferencial. The analysis of data from quantitative nature was complemented by treatment of the issues open, in the last part of the questionnaire, in the comments, which were grouped into analytical categories. Generally, the officials expressed a positive perception about the changes implemented by the new management model for the performance skills- GDP, corroborating are the chances H1, 2,3,5,6. The hypothesis H4 was not corroborated. Therefore, one can conclude that the respondents, in general, agree that the new GDP is participatory, reduced the subjectivity and the risk of generalization, integrates the management of power, the balanced scorecard and organizational strategies, and focuses on the self. However, the perception of those interviewed about the monitoring is that the alignment between the monitoring process and focus on the professional development provided by the new model for managing the performance is still little noticed, as compared with the other factors of the system under evaluation. There were no differences in assessment between sex, age and ranges of time to bank and in certain categories functional on overall results.


gestão de pessoas management abilities gestão de competências avaliação de desempenho administracao de recursos humanos evaluation of performance management of people

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