Gestão, fato associativo &economia solidária: a experiência da ASMOCONP/Banco Palmas. / Management and solidary economy: the asmoconp/Banco Palmas experience.




The world context was target of many transformations in the last 30 years, mainly, what refer about the changes in the Welfare States and reorganization on the part of the civil societys agents. This changes resultes were new mechanisms regulators for the control of the outside reactions produced in the logic of the capitalist system. In the Brazilian case, the manifestation of these transformations in the civil societys organizations rises from the inheritance of a Popular Economy tradition. The introduction of the political dimension pronouncing with actions social and economic, in the associative and cooperative organizations, seems to indicate the manifestation of emergent perspectives of solidary action and of a new economical logic, being these recognized under the sign of the Popular and Solidary Economy. In the Brazilian context, this Solidary Economy shows, particularly, in the associative experiences and of popular co-operative. Its argued, that these organizations live together as a contradictory field in which a tension resides among two logics: the mercantile and the solidary. Besides, in these organizational forms, such tension has been regulated through their management, as mediator among a rationality that holds values as reciprocity and solidarity and a rationality more funcionalist or instrumental. This studys purpose is understand as the management deal with the tension among the mercantile and solidary logics in a solidary economys organizations and how its contributing to their survival. The study object is the Associação de Moradores do Conjunto Palmeiras (ASMOCONP), in Fortaleza Ceará Brazil. ASMOCONP is an associative experience that intends to organize and to articulate the community through improvement of life conditions, connecting a triple space of performance: the politician - in the sense of the residents participation about of public subjects, the social - when reinforcing the base of the relationships and of the coexistence among them, and the economical - considering the several productive activities. To reach our purpose, its necessary a descriptive analysis of ASMOCONP/Banco Palmas management. Starting from that reality, the method of the case study was adopted, using participant observation, documental research, bibliographical research and no-structured interview with the members of ASMOCONP/Banco Palmas administration and residents of the Conjunto Palmeiras. This method allowed us to verify the presence of the tension among the mercantile and solidary logics in ASMOCONP/Banco Palmas management. Analyzing such tension, it was verified that ASMOCONP/Banco Palmas is looking for to dialogue with the mercantile logic for the community s empowerment, starting from the insert of values of the solidary logic. In a conclusive way, it was observed that this dialogue permited the ASMOCONP/Banco Palmas management assumed a perspective more democratic, autonomous and regulator to promote the survival of solidary organization in a outside system that bases its relationships on mercantile practices.


administracao de setores especificos solidary economy associativism management gestão solidary organization empreendimento solidário economia solidária associativismo

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