Gestão do transporte coletivo público de Campinas e a pouca mobilidade das populações de baixa renda.




The main proposal of this work is to offer components to help improve the public collective transport services, meant to the poorest social class citizens who live in a precarious level urban territory. For this reason, a study was made of Campo Grande Region case, in Campinas. We looked to learn about the citys history, of the collective transport development of the region and of the managing agency in charge of the collective transport system. Although the initial mark of this system begins from the railroad foundation in 1872, the public transport administration was relegated to a second plan for more than a century, once Setransp (City Department of Transport) was only created in 1980, and the company administrating the Emdec (Campinas Developing City Company) was only born in 1989. A critical evaluation showed a decrease of the lower class populations mobility caused by the tariff costs of collective transport. Thus, it seems evident that Emdec, a public company, needs to play a more efficient role towards this needy community, who needs buses but which is every day more distant of this way of transport.


arquitetura e urbanismo public company planejamento mobilidade gestão managing planning empresa pública collective public transport transporte público coletivo mobility

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