Gestão de riscos e governança corporativa: impacto da crise financeira de 2008 em duas companhias do setor alimentício.




Corporate Governance can be understood as the ability of the companies to achieve the strategic goals involving the aspects related to the investors relationship, to the company management structure, to the mechanisms for risk management, and to the transparency. During the crisis of 2008, several Brazilian companies have accumulated losses worth billions, as the results of a high foreign exchange rate exposure, and failures in the use of the instruments for risk management and Corporate Governance. The aim of this research is to identify the factors that contributed to the companies Sadia and Perdigão to follow different paths in the financial crisis of 2008. To better understanding the subject, there was made a brief analysis of the foundations of the Corporate Governance, from the requirements listed by BM&F BOVESTA, from the principles of the risk management. To accomplish this purpose, was chosen the method of the case study, using mainly documentary analyses. The research identified that the practice of risk management is crucial in implementing corporate governance best practices and that despite numerous initiatives of various institutions and regulators in establishing self-regulatory mechanisms to ensure the proper use of these practices, the system still has structural flaws able to allow companies previously considered solid incurring in speculative activities that may jeopardize its very existence.


gestão de riscos governança corporativa administracao de empresas risk management corporate finance

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