Gestão ambiental: eco eficiência a caminho da sustentabilidade: o caso do segmento moveleiro da Serra Gaúcha




Million people concentration in urban centers has left a big part of the population without any perspective of care to their most elementary necessities, like feed, home, water supply, sanitary treatment, collection services, urban garbage destination and fluvial drainage, essential factor for population health. The worry with the impact of human activity on the environment, allied to the accelerated rate of industrialization and search of productive growth like way to maximize the lucre in detriment to preservation and rational use of natural resources available, took the society on a general mode, specifically the govern authorities and private organizations, to search a new model where is possible to conciliate economic growth and environment, recognized as sustainable growth. In this context, this work will treat a furniture segment case on the southern of Brazil, taking into its representativeness forty five per cent of state furniture production and twenty per cent of national furniture production, as other segments examples, generate in their productive process several types of residues, effluents and air emissions that can contribute to the deterioration of the environmental problems either in pollution form and/or sub-utilization of available resources. So, in front of this view, from investigators conserved contact and works reading countersigning this sector, where diagnostics are made and show several elements that needs to be analyzed with greater depth regarding the improvement and environmental performance of this segment have this work as principal objective of study identify what are the motivator elements that leads southern furniture companies to implement the Environment Management System SGA in its management system. As one form to reach this offer will it identify and analyze environment politics that are being adopted by the segment, and what are the ecoefficient measures taken by this companies. On the intuit to be able to draw a diagnostic compatible with the sector reality will be made interviews personal semi-structured, whose answers will be processed by content analyzes of previously form answered with preestablished actors and designated by the companies. In all, will be six companies, one micro company, one small company and four middle companies, which has eco-efficient approach inserted on the productive process. The result of this work, makes clear the care and the aware of business men in relation of a plan necessity and, effectively, have punctual actions on the short time in what refer to economic issues, social and environmental, but its very present that the extensive time is very distant and that the priority today is the lucre deriving from the capacity of being competitive, agile and innovator, following what law determines to not cause barriers on production and maculate companys image and, if possible to add methods, systems that comes to ease and/or to avoid negative impacts on the environment. A lot of this result, believe that is by the lack of interaction between the companies, society, teach institutions, ONGs and governs, because project and want a supportable planet today and leave it in the same way to the future generations does not depends of isolated actions, first of all there must to have facts absorption of each member of the society, alone, it is a part of a whole and as such needs to interact.


gestão ambiental eco-efficiency produtividade sustentabilidade productivity environmental management administração de empresas supportability indústria moveleira eco eficiência serra gaúcha

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