Gesso reciclado : avaliação de propriedades para uso em componentes / Recycled gypsum plaster : properties evaluation for components use


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The search for technical and economical feasibility of waste recycling in the productive construction chain meets the new needs of the sector to promote an integrated development with economical, social and environmental needs. Gypsum plaster is a widely material used in civil construction. The productive process is relatively simple and it involves low energy costs compared to other binders. The reactions reversibility enables the recycling of the material, which increases the possibility of being reintegrated to the productive process as well as decrease environmental production impact. The gypsum components industries are formed by small companies, where the wastes are usually disposed incorrectly, without any control or estimate of volume. The waste is considered by Resolutions 307/2002 and 431/2011 from CONAMA as Class "B" which should be destined for recycling. Scientific research in this area is still incipient. It is necessary further investigations of this waste as a recycled material. In this way, the current research adopted a simple recycling process which produced a recycled gypsum plaster that was analyzed by its chemical and microstructures characteristics, as well as the physical and mechanical properties. The recycled plaster was obtained from consecutive cycles. The influence of using a superplasticizer in recycled plaster has been also analyzed. The results showed the feasibility to recycling the gypsum wastes, as well as the need of specific studies in order to allow the recycled gypsum plaster achieve the necessary performance to be applied for components in construction.


gesso reciclagem residuos industriais - reciclagem propriedades físicas propriedades mecânicas gypsum plaster recycling industrial waste physical properties mechanical properties

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