GerminaÃÃo de sementes de soja armezenadas em bancos de germoplasma / Soybean seeds germination stored in genebanks.




The conservation of plant genetic resources in genebanks, mainly as seeds, has the purpose of preserving the genetic materials that could be useful to mankind, by using techniques that give as higher longevity as possible to those stored seeds. The genebanks are the main places to let the genetical resources needed available to get new cultivars and/or to breed the ones already known. The seeds longevity in the genebank depends on their initial quality, humidity and storage temperature. The maintenance, genetic variability enrichment, characterization and the use of genetic materials from the genebank are some of the biggest challenge nowadays. The purposes of this work were to evaluate the performance of soybean seeds accessions at different germination levels in the genebank and to detect the prehydration treatment effect in germination of long-term stored soybean seeds. The experiments were carried out at Federal University of Lavras, MG, using genetic material from Embrapa Genetic Resources and Biotechnology (CENARGEN), Brasilia, DF. The seeds had been stored in cold chambers for about 23 years at -18ÂC and average humidity was 7%. Viability and vigor were evaluated by the following tests and determinations: humidity determination, germination, first germination counting, initial and final stand, emergence speed index, seedlings dry matter, viability and vigor by tetrazolium. The prehydration treatments applied here were: saturated atmosphere with distilled water, saturated atmosphere with sodium chloride and without prehydration. The soybean seeds initial germination affects the vigor maintenance of the accesses during storage. Soybean seeds initial germination effect in their preservation can vary depending on the genetics accesses characteristics. The prehydration treatment in saturated atmosphere with water or sodium chloride solution has positive effect in the soybean seeds germination. The prehydration treatment of soybean seeds stored in genebank using saturated sodium chloride solution at 25ÂC for 24 hours, results on higher germination and vigor.


soja germinaÃÃo genebanks fitotecnia germoplasma germination soybean

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