Gerenciamento de handovers em next generation networks com agregação de contexto / Handovers management with context aggregation in next generation networks




In the NGN (Next Generation Networks) users can connect their Internet devices to different network technologies. In addition to a seamless communication, users desire new and personalized services. In this sense, this thesis exploits the context-aware information in NGN environments. The main propose is to capture the context information about the time involved by the use of wireless link for selecting the target access point and on the handover procedure. This context information is applied to the context-aware services. The propose is validated through two scenarios: the first is a mashup that shows the availability of wireless networks in a particular location, and the second is a prototype of a connection manager to attend user´s preferences. In addition, two evaluations are accomplished on the impact by the use of context information over handovers. Thus, an NGN testbed is deployed with Mobile IP protocol


context-aware services handover ngn context-aware handovers handover 4g 4g handovers cientes de contexto. serviços cientes de contexto ngn

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