Geração e recuperação da sequencia de operações para o roteiro de fabricação




The world manufacturing situation have been enduring radical changes. The accelerating technological growth have significantly enlarged the variety of items created by manufacturing industries and specials focus have been given to the mechanical-metal field. ln order to enhance the quality and/or reduce costs on a attempt to search a new market or to keep those already conquered at an increasingly strenuous competition; what become particularly true in Brazil after the opening to the international market in 1992. When manufacturing engineers and managers were compelled to remode there organizations in search of enhancement, efficiency and a more rational production. So to maintain the market by competitive costs and quality new managing techniques for process planning and for production for mediuni and small batches have being adopted by those enterprise. ane timid attempt - by brazilians industries - to overcome the difficulties in manufacturing consists of utilizing the automation associated with group technology principies. This approach have yielded economical advqntages from the geometrical and/or the process similarities in manufacturing parts of medium and small volumes. As the proliferation of the use of process planning takes place in a new industrial réallty the enterprises are experiencing the lack of proficient trained planners which are meager in the market. This fact estimulates the research of new techniques that may help these professionals on their hard duty in avoiding duplicity of plans and tools therefore streamlining the functions bestowing the plans consistence, more standardization and completeness. This work intends to present techniques employed to soften the problems generated by the changes in the environment of production. It is also meant to present a systematic way of generating process plans applied to the manufacture of turning components within the Brazilian prcsent situation. The system is developed by using C language having UNIX as operational system; workstation as hardware platform and using Sunview liberies as graphic interfacer. Through the application of group technology (G.T.) to retrieve existing plans and the usage of an inference processor to automate the macro planning functions in order to prepare new plans, it is possible to achieve higher speed, standardization and consistency in the process storing the planner s experience in a data base


processos de fabricação tecnologia em grupo

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