Geração de fotons muito duro por espalhamento Compton inverso da radiação sincrotron




The most efficient mechanism to generate photons in the 100 MeV energy range is by Inverse Compton scattering (ICS) of laser from relativistic electron. The energy of the emitted photons can be increased by raising either the energy of the electron, which is very expensive, or that of the photon. with the suggestion (S. Caticha-Ellis, 1983) that intense X-ray beams could be obtained by back-reflecting synchrotron radiation using a crystal diffracting at normal incidence, the possibility is now open of generating very hard photons by ICS of the synchrotron radiation itself. The photons emitted in this way will have energies ranging all the way up to the electron beam energy (up to the several GeV), will be non-polarized and highly collimated. The photons may be used to study phenomena of quantum electrodynamics and nuclear physics


radiação sincrotronica raios x eletrodinamica quantica

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