Geração automática de metadados: uma contribuição para a Web semântica. / Automatic metadata generation: a contribution to the semantic Web.




This Thesis offers a contribution to the Semantic Web area, in the scope of the representation and indexing of documents, defining an Automatic metadata generation model based on context, starting from textual documents not structured in the Portuguese language. A wide theoretical set of subjects related to the creation of semantic digital environments is also presented. As recommended in, the textual documents studied here were automatically converted to Web pages written in semantic format, using Dublin Core as standard for definition of metadata elements, and the standard RDF/XML for representation of documents and description of the metadata elements. Among the fifteen Dublin Core metadata elements, nine were automatically generated by the Model, and six were generated in a semiautomatic manner. The metadata Description and Subject were the ones that required more complex algorithms, being obtained through statistical techniques, text mining techniques and natural language processing. The main purpose of the evaluation of the Model was to verify the behavior of the documents converted to the format RDF/XML, when these were submitted to an information retrieval process. The metadata elements Description and Subject were exhaustively evaluated, since these are the main ones responsible for learning the semantics of textual documents. The diversity of contexts, the complexity of the problems related to the Portuguese language, and the new concepts introduced by the standards and technologies of the Semantic Web, were some of the great challenges faced in the construction of the Model here proposed. In spite of having used techniques which are not very new for the exploration and exploitation of the contents of the documents, we cannot ignore that the innovative elements introduced by the Web Semantic have offered improvements that made possible the obtention of important results in this Thesis. As demonstrated here, the joining of those techniques with the standards and technologies recommended by the Semantic Web can minimize one of the largest problems of the current Web, and one of the strong reasons for the implementation of the Semantic Web: the tendency of the search mechanisms to flood the users with irrelevant results, because they do not take into account the specific context desired by the user. Therefore, it is important that the studies and research be continued in all of the areas related to the Semantic Web?s implementation, opening the door for more functional systems of information to be designed.


semântica digital library descoberta de conhecimento information recovery recuperação da informação biblioteca digital knowledge discovery semantics

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