Geotechnical mapping and analysis of erosion process at Tuncum creek watershed, São Pedro-SP, scale: 1:10.000 / Mapeamento geotécnico e análise dos processos erosivos na bacia do córrego Tuncum, São Pedro-SP, escala 1:10.000




This work aims to analyze the main factors related to the erosion processes in the Tuncum creek watershed, city of São Pedro-SP, based on the observed geological-geotechnical characteristics in the field and laboratory (soil geotechnical characterization and erodibility tests). It was verified that high susceptibility area to the erosion processes are mainly associated to geological materials of the watershed. For the study of the evolution erosion features were used aerial photographs of three different dates (1972, 1995 and 2000), and with aid of geoprocessing techniques realized a qualified treatment to the acquired informations. The analysis of the obtained informations allowed the establishment of the erosion susceptibility that associated to the information of use and occupation lead the definition of prognostics concerning the evolution of the erosive processes in the area. The cartographic documents elaborated were documentation, landforms and unconsolidated materials maps, declivity, susceptibility to erosion and prognostic to the development of linear erosions charts.


geoprocessing carta de susceptibilidade à erosão geoprocessamento prognostic chart evolution erosive processes processos erosivos geotechnical caracterization carta de prognóstico susceptibility to erosion chart caracterização geotécnica evolução

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