Geoquímica elemental e isotópica (Sr e Nd) como traçadores de poluentes antrópicos, caso de estudo: fosfogesso de Cubatão (SP) / Isotopic (Sr and Nd) and elementary geochemistry as anthropic poluent tracers, study case: the phosphogypsum of Cubatão (SP)




This objective of this study was applying geochemical techniques of major and minor elements, aswell as Sr. And Nd isotopes to identify contamination by phosphogypsum in fluvial sediments in the hydrografic basin of Mogi/Piaçaguera. Profiles of sediments from Cubatão, Pereque, Mogi (upstream,middle and downstream), Piaçaguera and Jurubatuba rivers margins, inserted in the high Santista stuary, as well as soils, rocks and superfial waters were analysed. The methods used were fluorescence and difratometria of X-rays, optical microscopy and isotopic analyses of Sr and ND. The results showed a factor of enrichment of Sr. Nd. NB, La, F and Ce in surface sediments of the Rio Mogi jusante, compared to other fluvial sediments analysed. The isotopic compositions of regional fluvial sediments were in accordance with rocks pattern and the hydrografic basin soils. The exception is due to surface fluvial sediments of the Rio Mogi jusante, which showed chemical and isotopic signatures similar to phosphogypsum. The calculation of proportion of isotopic composition mixtures of Sr. And Nd resulted from phosphogypsum indicated a significative discrepance for these two methods of up to 6% to Sr and 35% to Nd. On the contrary, 143Nd/144Nd and 87Sr/86Sr dyagrams presented minor proportions of 10% in coherence with the literature study, which estimated 13% to 18% the solubilization of phosphogypsum in water. The isotopic compositions normalization with sea water (e87Sr) of results for partial extraction (accectic acid) showed the value of e87Sr similar for soils, sediments and surface waters of the hydrografic basin. The hypotesis of the tidal influence in sediments of Rio Jurubatuba was arised, with a isotopic pattern similar to sea water. In a distinct way, the isotopic signatures of phosphogypsum in sediments of Rio Mogi jusante were confirmed. In summary,isotopes of Sr and Nd showed that are significant tools in the identification of plumas of antropic contamination, as well as in the identification of probable sources of these anomalies.


tracer geochemistry fosfogesso phosphogypsum geoquímica traçadores

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