Geoprocessamento aplicado a determinacao de volume e area do reservatorio hidreletrico de Serra da Mesa com imagens JERS-1/SAR / Geoprocessing applied to volume and area determination of Serra da Mesa hydroelectrical reservoir using JERS-1/SAR images




This paper presents a method for the determination of flooding parameters in hydroelectrical reservoirs. The method is based on the integration of Digital Terrain Model (DTM)and Remote Sensing data derived from JERS-1/SAR. The area and volume of the reservoir, considering different water levels, were determined using SPRING, a Geographical Information System software developed by the National Institute for Space Research (INPE). The method was applied to the Serra da Mesa reservoir - which has been in operation since April 1998. The results showed a systematic error in reservoir project. The volume and area values are 30 percent smaller than those projected. The results, if validated, shows that the generation of energy is below the previously predicted, and that the flooding area is smaller than that announced.


estudos integrados do meio ambiente radar de abertura sintetica spring geographic information systems terrain systematic errors sistemas de informacao de informacoes georreferenciadas software engineering information systems software development tools alagamentos jers-1 reservatorio hidrelico de serra da mesa (go) sar usina hidreletrica modelo numericos de terreno reservoirs

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