Geopolitics on the northern border of Brazil: the role of the armed forces in the socio-spatial transformations of Roraima / Geopolítica na fronteira norte do Brasil: o papel das forças armadas nas transformações sócio-espaciais do estado de Roraima




This research analyses recent processes of political feature that are happening in the Brazilian Amazon, with emphasis to the role of the Armed Forces in border areas of this region. Our argumentation focused on the performance of the Border Special Platoons, in the socio-economic and political context of Roraima, since the foundation of the Federal Territory, in the 1940s. We concentrated, however, on policies established after the 1960s, when military unities start to play central role in the transformation of this territory, defined as strategic for events that were happening in the country and in the South American subcontinent. We retrieved some facts and events in order to demonstrate the specific role that the Armed Forces, especially, the Army and the Air Force have played in Roraima everyday life, through their activities, their ethos, and the direct administration of officials belonging to the Air Force, during the military regime. We found out that the organization of the Roraima social space continues to be conceived from miles away of this space, so much so that the Armed Forces still play important role in the Roraima State, despite its corporative distance, and the antagonism in conciliating the military hierarchy, with the participative administration, since the 1990s. We concluded that the Armed Forces, with a widened role in the Amazon, represent a new moment through Border Special Platoons/BSP and others recent mechanisms, in important areas to the sovereignty of the country, now also relevant for their environmental, ethnic and cultural aspects.


exército pelotões especiais de fronteira/pef roraima roraima army geopolitics amazon amazônia geopolítica border special platoons/bep

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