Geopolítica da cultura e interdisciplinariedade: um estudo da Convenção da UNESCO sobre a proteção e a promoção da diversidade das expressões culturais




The topic submitted in this work ran upon the question about Geopolitics Cultural, the Convention about protection and promotion of the diversity and of the UNESCOs Cultural expression 2005, and consider the teoricals principles and interdisciplinary conceptions developeded in the Parameter National Curriculum of the Secondary Education PCNEM/MEC. A revision of th PCNEMs bibliografhy was made with the intention of studying the Parameter Curriculum proposal. The apresentated theories in eleboration of the interdisciplinary conception and the adequation for the Pedagogic Project and didatic organization for the Federal Instituto for Education of São Paulo. The therical fundamental interdisciplinary of the study of the subjet was chosen for the elaboration of the present study of the qualitative character was able to construtions of the project discipline as interdisciplinar approuch, and as a result, we found out, the developed Methodology articulate the contents of the commonnucleus, especially humanities departament. We present a debat about the cultural diverity, the globalization, sustainment, the economic defense. The cultural question as a premise or interdisciplinary developeded in the Convention-2005, has composed the curriculum matrix of the discipline project, before the reflexions unleashed in the classroom and the contents which had worked and lived in the daily experiences. The search was elaborated while developeded the premise and the purpose of the convention gathering the projets of the PCN M and Pedagogy Politic Project of the IFSP.


convenção da unesco (2005) cultural geopolitic ciencias humanas geopolítica da cultura convention of unesco (2005) interdisciplinary disciplina projeto project disciplinary interdisciplinaridade

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