Geology of high pressure granulites of Carvalhos Klippe, southern Brasília Belt / Geologia dos granulitos de alta pressão da Klippe Carvalhos, extensão sul da Faixa Brasília




At the top of Andrelândia Nappes System, southern border of São Francisco craton, occur nappes formed dominantly by metasedimentary rocks with subordinated metabasics and metaultramafics which record metamorphism of high pressure granulite facies in the Ediacaran. These nappes are Três Pontas - Varginha, Pouso Alto and Klippen Airuoca and Carvalhos. In Carvalhos Klippe are predominant rutile, kyanite, garnet and pertitic orthoclase bearing paragneisses, which are placed over micaschists in amphibolite facies of Liberdade Nappe. The mineral assemblage of paragneisses suggests a metamorphic progression starting from stability field of estaurolite (as inclusion inside garnet), passing by muscovite breakdown (absent in lithotypes with less retrogresion) and reaching parcial breakdown of biotite, forming garnet + orthoclase + melt. During retrogression these reactions were crossed again in the opposite way, with granet being partially to totally consumed by vermiforms and/or eskeletals intergrowths of biotite + quartz. In the eastern portion of the Klippe and near shear zones are very common the substitution of garnet by sillimanite + biotite or kyanite by sillimanite. Metabasic rocks, boudinated inside paragneisses, exhibit relicts of garnet + clinopyroxene + quartz ± plagioclase. In these rocks retrogression is recorded in intergrowth coronas of hornblende + plagioclase which substitute garnet partially to totally. Locally these coronas followed by a thin and descontinuous corona formed by granular opaque minerals, probably ilmenite. During hidratation reactions, clinopyroxene crystals, rich in microexsolutions of quartz and/or feldspar, were partial to totally replaced by hornblende. Where retrogression were more intense, nearby shear zones, occur orthopyroxene associated with clinopyroxene. In its southwestern portion is in contact with Paleoproterozoic gneisses known as Alagoa Migmatites. The basic rocks, intercalated with these gneisses, usually record amphibolite facies metamorphism. However, close to the contact with klippe, occur a body with granitic composition and igneous orthopyroxene (charnockite), which presents coronas of garnet + clinopyroxene + quartz + plagioclase, between orthopyroxene and plagioclase crystals, showing a progressive metamorphism reaching high pressure granulite facies. These coronas can be related to a superimposed metamorphism of high pressure in the older embasement. The metamorphic peak calculated for the paragneisses of klippe using Zr-inrutile thermometer and the GASP barometer is 850ºC and 16Kbar. These data are compatible with thermometric calculations done by ternary feldspar reintegration (antiperthitic plagioclase), which reachs temperatures of 870±50ºC. In metabasic rocks, the results of themobarometric calculations are 850ºC and 15±2Kbar. U-Pb dating (ID-TIMS) of monazite put the metamorphic peak in 618±2.2Ma and K-Ar dating in amphibole of 582.9±14.8Ma are not coherent with cooling in a fast exhumation pathway, showed by preservation of metamorphic peak paragneisses. The metasediments present in Carvalhos Klippe show variated composition, including pelitic metasediments with high A/CNK ratios and imature metasediments, rich in feldspar, like metagraywackes and metarkoses. In spite of high metamorphic grade, the metasediments present in the klippe show ETR patterns very similar to the post-archean rocks. The garnet-biotite-plagioclase gneisses of Klippe, probably imature metarenites, show a chemical composition aparently without considerable loss of silicatic melts, formed by partial melt. This probably results from low partial melt rates (<10%), which dont allow the conection and extraction of the liquids. The low partial melt rates are probably related to small amounts of muscovite in these compositions. Therefore, the garnet-biotiteplagioclase gneisses probably were not fertile compositions to form magmas. Probably the metapelites were the main sources of magma inside the klippe, due to high amounts of muscovite in these compositions, which allow a considerable generation of liquids through the muscovite breakdown, in temperatures below 850ºC.


terreno andrelândia granulitos de alta pressão andrelândia terrain metamorphic textures high pressure granulites texturas metamórficas

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