Geographies in moviment: territory and centrality at Rio de Janeiro in D. João VI period (1808-1821) / Geografias em movimento: território e centralidade no Rio de Janeiro joanino (1808-1821)




This research tries to investigate the spatial changes that took place in the city of Rio de Janeiro during the stay of the Royal family, after escaping from Napoleon. The scale of the city itself is the subject of the first chapiter that focus on the adaptations and adjusts needed to transform the colonial city into a court city. On the following chapiter, the mechanisms of occupation of the region polarized by the city in analyzed, including the exploitation of the borders (sertões). Finally, we go back to the scale of the city, but now to think of it as an intercontinental port that articulates terrestrial and maritime fluxes, and also as the capital of a vast kingdom. This experience of changing roles between colony and metropolis had some important consequences to the process of independence developed in Brazil. A political process that considered the territory as one of its most valuable basis.


centralidade centrality rio de janeiro historical geography território d. joão vi period período joanino geografia histórica rio de janeiro territory

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