"Geographic Cosmography: the astronomy in geography teaching" / "Cosmografia geográfica: a astronomia no ensino de geografia"




This research relates Astronomy Teaching to Geography Teaching and approaches a great number of subjects that express important relations between the terrestrial knowledge and the celestial knowledge. We have studied a field that is part of Cosmography and consists in a new reading in the Geography area, which is designated as "Geographic Cosmography", instead of the name "Cosmography", simply, or "Astronomical Geography". The term "Cosmography" is obsolete and its attributions had been incorporated by Astronomy, Cartography, Navigation and Geography, however, its pedagogical function in Astronomy Teaching remained active in teaching of Mathematics and Geography in Brazil, through the centuries XIX and XX. The Geographic Cosmography is a field of studies of the Geography, whose set of knowledge and abilities is scholar predominance. It study the interface between terrestrial knowledge and the celestial knowledge and to attribute to them geographic significance. It analyzes the human and naturals relations with the sideral space and its consequences to the society and nature and to space organization. It have been analyzed the presence of "Geographic Cosmography" in Brazilian Geography to establish an innovative minimum set of cosmographic subjects to be taught in Geography according to what it could be examined in national and foreign didactic books of Cosmography between (1845-1971), in Geography didactic Brazilian books of Elementary and High Schools, approved in the National Plan of the Didactic Book - 2002 (PNLD), in the suggestions of the National Curricular Parameters (PCN s) and discipline programs of Astronomy or Cosmography of the Universities courses of Geography in Brazil. Later there is a fast boarding about current foreign Cosmography Education. This thesis presents two discipline proposal models of "Geographic Cosmography" for graduating Geography teacher’s courses. These disciplines would be composed by subjects and practical activities for Geography teachers, that includes contents for subjects close the reality of the "Geographic Cosmography" to century XXI, and which they consists of human and natural attributes (physiological and physical), such as: the laterality, the light or the illumination or the incidence of solar radiation, the gravity and the scales of analysis. Amongst the topics established in this inquiry, there is the performance of the Humanity in the Cosmic or Exterior Space that will have to be explored in schools for "Geographic Cosmography". On the other hand, the action of the Man in the Outer Space also will have to be studied, to be argued and analyzed by Geography academic Politics, through next years, because this subject involves the development and the international cooperation for the use of technologies of 3rd Industrial Revolution, the space debris production and the fulfilment of international treaty in the scope to the sideral space.


cosmografia geográfica geography teaching cartography teaching cosmografia cosmography ensino de cartografia ensino de astronomia geographic cosmography astronomy teaching ensino de geografia

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