Gente negra na ParaÃba oitocentista: populaÃÃo, famÃlia e parentesco espiritual / Black people in nineteenth-century paraiba: population, family, and spiritual relationship




This study seeks at understanding how black men and women (slaves or not) established their family arrangements and the strategies that they elaborated to (re)construct the relationship links in three parishes of Paraibaâs coastline in the 19th century. Other objective was to show new histories about slaves that denied the subordinations of the system and built different strategies to struggle for freedom and/or to rebuild their family links. The research was based especially on parishesâ sources of the 19th century; the documentation was produced by an official administrative system that came from colonial and imperial administration system, newspapers, letters of freedom, wills and inventories. In the development of the five existent chapters, various methodologies were used (demography, micro-history, nominative link), seeking at giving a global analysis on the studied subject, followed by a reduction of scale to regain the heterogeneity of social groups in the studied period. analyzing yours blood family group and the established in the godparentes relationships, the spiritual relative. Thus, with this study, not only do I intend to contribute to the slavery history, exploring the multiple and complex experiences of men and women who were slaves, but also extend the knowledge about free black people, showing the diversity of being black in three parishes, and also contribute to the formation of Brazilian peopleâs identity


slavery century xix famÃlia e parentesco espiritual black people escravidÃo sÃculo xix historia populaÃÃo negra family and spiritual relationships

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