Genotipagem e avaliação do potencial enterotoxigênico de amostras de Staphylococcus aureus isoladas de mastite caprina e bovina




The aim of this study was to identify subtypes of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from goat and bovine mastitis, by analyzing the polymorphism of coagulase gene protein. Additionally, surveyed for the presence of genes coding for staphylococcal enterotoxin types A, B and C. We used 36 strains of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from goats belonging to herds in the North of Ceará and Serrana do Rio de Janeiro and 64 strains isolated from milk of cows belonging to herds in the municipalities of Minas Gerais. Among the isolates of caprine origin are indentified 11 different genotypes, and the herds from northern Ceara predominate type was found in 60% of amostrasm while in flocks of mountain region, the two types indicated UNMA relationship between them. Among the samples of bovine origin were identified 49 genotypes with 10 more friquentes grouping 39% of samples. The presence of some genes encoding enterotoxins was investigated detactada in 37% of positive samples for gene sec. Samples of goat origin, 86% were positive for the gene sec. Production en vitro enterotoxin was detected in all samples in which the corresponding gene was present


caprino doenças teses bovino doenças teses mastite teses estafilococos aureos teses enterotoxinas teses

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