Gênese da educação dos surdos em Aracaju.




This work results of a historical-social research and interviews, developed to apprehend the educational genealogy of the deaf persons from Aracaju, being produced a pioneering contribution for the historiography of education in Sergipe. For its realization, it was necessary to transcend the silence of the academy regarding them,despite the deafness to be subject in the press of Sergipe since the second half of century XIX, when Tobias Rabello Leite, natural of this state, published in a newspaper, the Jornal do Aracaju, several notices about the Imperial Instituto dos Meninos Surdos- Mudos, established in Rio de Janeiro the first Brazilian institution of this order. Tobias Leite was its first director and he developed an important and original work in the area of the deafness, during the most productive part of its life, what makes him deserve a special attention in this study. Also the laws that had concerned to the deafness problems and its individuals e socials implications had been studied and, yet, the medical diagnostics in the legal proceedings of interdictions and guardianship, whose decisions, always, had been unlucky to the deaf persons. The perspectives and positions about the deaf persons education and assistance, of the society and politicians, had been analyzed in this occasion, to fix ones attention on works of Senator Carvalho Neto, who presented, in 1921, a important project of law to the National Congress, although unsuccessful, and of Garcia Filho, who had fulfilled an important activity in the studied area. Finally, the pioneer initiatives for a education of deaf persons, in Sergipe, had been studied, emphasizing the Centro de Reabilitação Ninota Garcia, inaugurated in 1962, and the first special classrooms of deaf pupils, established in 1980, in the public system of education. The searched data had enabled a vision of the curricular program, the used resources and the pertaining to school routine, as well as of the predominant ideologies in the formation of professors and perceptions and experiences of the actors involved, teachers and disciples, relative to the used methodologies. The incapacity of the school, to educate the deaf persons in conformity with traditional conceptions, was corroborate, due to its vocation for the pedagogical processes permanence, being evidenced that the LIBRAS (Brazilian language of signals) as the necessary initial resource for the real emancipation of the deaf persons his social inclusion.


práticas pedagógicas educacao pedagogical skills deaf person education history of the education história da educação educação de surdo

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