Gender and mental health: the experience of female and male identities and the psychological suffering in the contemporary Brazilian society. Some reflections based on testimonies of patients with severe mental illness of the CAPS - Araraquara - SP / Gênero e Saúde Mental: a vivência de identidades femininas e masculinas e o sofrimento psíquico na sociedade brasileira contemporânea. Algumas reflexões a partir de relatos dos pacientes diagnosticados como portadores de transtornos mentais severos do CAPS- Araraquara SP.




This research analyses the experience of the psychological suffering based on the testimonies of men and women users of a public health service of the municipality of Araraquara SP. It is considered the social construction of the psychological suffering and, therefore, the arrangement of values and norms of a certain society and historical epoch. In other terms, what seems to be something extremely individual, that is to say, the experience of a whole of illnesses in the subjective scope, expresses regularities that are conformed by a certain social configuration. It was used semistructured interviews with users of the Center of Psychosocial Attention (CAPES) men and women, analyzed through the perspective of the social gender relations and under the context of the changes of the Brazilian psychiatric system starting from the Anti Asylum Fight. The conclusion is that the challenge to be faced by the contemporary brazilian society in the construction of public policies in the field of mental health must take into account the questions raised by the perspective of the social gender relations


saúde mental anti asylum fight luta antimanicomial relações sociais de gênero sofrimento psíquico psychological suffering mental health contemporary brazilian society social gender relations sociedade brasileira contemporânea

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