Gêmeos monozigóticos discordantes para transtorno de identidade de gênero : um estudo da espessura cortical e de morfometria baseada em voxels através de imagens de ressonância magnética estrutural


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Gender Identity Disorder (GID) is characterized by the persistent conviction of belonging to the opposite sex. Despite all the different technical approaches and the several studies performed, its etiology still remains unknown. There is knowledge about the influence of environmental hormonal, genetic and neuroanatomic factors involved. The literature about GID neuroimaging is extremely restrict and there are no studies focusing on cortical thickness. The neuroanatomical findings from Voxel-Based Morphometry (VBM) have reported regions within the sense-perception network with increased grey matter volume. We hypothesized that differences of cortical thickness would be found in the cortical areas of this network. Thus we studied a male monozigotic twin pair discordant for GID (male-to-female) using VBM and SBM (FreeSurfer). We found increased grey matter volume and thicker cortex in the right temporo-parietal junction, right inferior frontal cortex and right insular cortex in the affected twin in comparison to his brother. The present study adds the findings on cortical thickness to the characterization of the neuroanatomic alterations in Gender Identity Disorder.


gêmeos monozigóticos gender identity disorder identidade de gênero cortical thickness vbm mapeamento encefálico sbm imagem por ressonância magnética freesurfer senso-perception

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