Gastos PÃblicos dos MunicÃpios do Estado do CearÃ: Uma AnÃlise dos Determinantes PolÃticos / Public expenses of the Cities of the State of the CearÃ: An Analysis of the Determinative Politicians




It analises the impact of political determinants on the behavior on the city public expenses in the period of 1991-2001. Therefore, it considers four sets of variable politics: i) varieties that characterize the political systen, such as, tax contribution of the voters, the degree of party fragmentation and the index of political competitiveness; ii) varieties that set up the behavior of the governor, such as the electoral periods; iii) varities that influence on the preferences in governing in function of its ideological orientation, iv) an variable that identifies the ideological affinity of the mayor with the governor of the state. Through econometrical esteems on the informations for group of 110 cities of state of the Cearà the effect of these variable was verified on the total expenses and each category of the city expenditure (social, of infrastructure, of overhead). The gotten results show that: i) in political systens representation with high tax participation of the population, the expenditures of overhead and infrastructure are lesser; ii) a higher political competitiveness implies in lesser total, social expenditure and of overhead; iii) the effect of the spalling tax is positive in all the categories of expenditures; iv) In pre-electoral years occurs an increase of the infrastructure expenditures and in the electoral years, beyond these, the expenditures of overhead are also higher, while the social and total expenditures are lesser; v) cities managed for left parties present greater expenses of overhead and of infrastructure and minor social expense and total, in other categories of expenditure spend little in all. vi) the ideological coincidence between mayor and governor propitiates a higher expense of infrastructure. Word-keys:


public expenses gastos pÃblicos finanÃas pÃblicas public finances economia

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