Fuzzy logic based navigation system for an autonomous / Sistema de navegação para veículo autônomo utilizando lógica difusa




This work had as a goal the development of a fuzzy logic based navigation control system for an autonomous vehicle. The developed control system was named SNAT (from the equivalent in portuguese of autonomous navigation system for a tricycle). The system controls and monitors the navigation of the vehicle from a remote base station using a telemetry data link. The user indicates, using a developed application, the navigation waypoints, referencing them by their latitude and longitude coordinates in a map. When the navigation starts, the system receives periodically data packets indicating the position and direction of the vehicle, these data are processed by the fuzzy control which returns commands to actuate over the vehicle. The fuzzy control translates qualitative expressions, common in human communication, into numerical values that represent the speed and the direction to keep the vehicle as near as possible to the desired navigation route. Many development aspects of the fuzzy controller and of the communication and actuation over the vehicle from the remote base are presented. Also are presented some results of the control system over navigation of the vehicle, which demonstrate that the system operates in a quite satisfactory manner.


trycicle autonomous fuzzy controller automatic navigation controlador difuso navegação difusa autônoma navegação autônoma autonomous vehicles

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