Fundamentos econômicos e o impacto da política de fomento a micro e pequenas empresas : um estudo aplicado ao caso da atuação do SEBRAE/MS no período de 1990-2008


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This research aims to analyze the political support and encouragement Micro and Small Enterprises in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, with reference to the performance of SEBRAE / MS in the period 1990 to 2008, through the perception of entrepreneurs analyzed. The research is part of the important information that the mortality rate of small and micro enterprises is 56% before reaching five years of activities (SEBRAE, 2007). It is a troubling information because, according SEBRAE (2007), the Micro and Small Enterprises constitute 99% of the number of companies formally established in the country, accounting for 60% of jobs, contributing over 50% of salaries , and 20% share of the GDP of the country. The main question to be investigated is whether these policies occur efficiently and that the actions taken by these companies to stay in the market. To identify the perceptions of micro and small entrepreneurs on the contribution of political support and encouragement of SEBRAE / MS, as well as their actions taken in the face of difficulties, we conducted interviews and questionnaires to various companies. It was found that only one of 24 companies that agreed to participate in the study, proved to be satisfied with the services provided by SEBRAE / MS. Of the 24 companies surveyed, 14 use or have used the services of SEBRAE / MS and 10 others, did not. The methodology was exploratory in nature, with a qualitative approach, using the technique of discourse analysis. Based on the theories used and the information obtained from interviews and questionnaires, the survey showed that this dissatisfaction is not from the existence of some inefficiency SEBRAE / MS, related to lack of technical knowledge, but rather the difficulty of SEBRAE / MS address the anxiety of businessmen surveyed in getting immediate answers and the difficulties you face. This is due to the variety and volume of existing activities within these businesses, even micro and small, which leads to micro and small business to have an organization and not very efficient control of your company. The more organized and controlled, the greater the possibility of a company this size get set and enjoy the best support services and promotion of SEBRAE / MS compared with those whose organization and control are disabled.


servico de apoio as micro e pequenas empresas do mato grosso do sul. micro and small business policy support and encouragement desenvolvimento econômico políticas públicas micro e pequenas empresas gestão estratégica empreendedorismo mato grosso do sul

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