Fundamentação antropológico-cultural da religião segundo Paul Tillich: perspectivas pedagógicas abertas frente aos dispositivos legais vigentes




Having in mind the problem with the religious teaching, my reflection is inserted in a historical course of which I have been participating actively since the 1960s. By associating myself with other professionals of the teaching, in both state and national field of action, I reflected with them about the contextual changes, trying to give a new meaning to the understanding of the religious teaching and to reshape its practice within the changeable reality. Such reflections were elaborated in texts, partially published, and taken into practice in projects of formation of teachers and in subsidies for classes of religious education. With this activity, I also got in touch with teaching authorities, in the sense of promoting programs of the updating of the teachers in the subject of this matter. Now, in the work of thesis, I insert myself in this process, which constitutes, so to say, the ground of my considerations that I develop in three parts:1) a historical look on the evolution of the religious teaching, pointing out the occurred changes, aiming at a better understanding of it, according to the current legislation; 2) organization of basic elements as a try of helping build a coherent system of sustainability for this school subject; 3) suggestion of indicators for the educative process in which the religious education is inserted.In this triple perspective, I have as main objective to help build anthropologic-cultural fundamentals for the religion. Induced by this intention, I direct my thought on the religious dimension of the human being as the habitat of the religious, and I linger afterwards in the religious expressions that arm themselves with cultural features. Broaching these aspects, I hope to contribute, although so little, for the establishment of the intended basis and to evidence that the religious teaching is an indispensable element for the integral education of the citizen and for work to build a society based on justice and solidarity. With the intention to give this work a unified and coherent consistency, I have recourse to the thought of Paul Tillich (1886-1965), a distinguished thinker and professor who acted in universities of Germany and of the United States. The categories of thinking of this author adjust themselves as a foundation to the religious education, considering it as development of the profound dimension of the human being that is the dimension of the religion. I also follow Tillich in the method of the correlation, built by him, and that is of dialectic character, with the particularity of maintaining the poles of the focused reality in tension and in ambiguity, in the constant flow of the essence for the existence. In all of this, I tried to identify myself and to take stand in the way of conferring the three sections the interconnection of a unique process of religious teaching as such, in which my trajectory is inserted


brasil história legislação anthropology religious dimension ensino religioso antropologia culture educacao religious teaching legislation educative process

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