Functionality and seasonality on Cerrado and ecotone Forest-Cerrado: an inquiry with micrometeorological data of energy and CO2. / Funcionalidade e sazonalidade sobre cerrano e sobre ecótono floresta-cerrado: uma investigação com dados micrometeorológicos de energia e CO2.




This work discusses the energy and CO2 flux variability over a Cerrado Sensu stricto, in São Paulo state, Brazil, and over a seasonally inundated Forest-Cerrado ecotone in Tocantins state, Brazil. Micrometeorological measurements (30 minute average) of weather (temperature, relative humidity, precipitation and wind speed), radiation fluxes (solar radiation, PAR and net radiation), and CO2, latent and sensible heat turbulent fluxes were made for the Cerrado from 2001 to 2003. Measurements for the ecotone were made from October 2003 to September 2004. Both environments have sandy, homogeneous soils, with high infiltration capacity and low water storage. Cerrado s.s. showed strong seasonality for photosynthetic capacity, Albedo-PAR and CO2 atmospheric fluxes. As seen in other works, the Cerrado has both a CO2 sink and a CO2 source phase. These are strongly dependent on the precipitation and minimal temperature. Inundation of the Forest-Cerrado ecotone results in a gradual decrease in the system’s respiration and primary productivity. A lag of approximately 45 days is seen in the primary productivity reduction. This could represent the system’s resistance and tolerance due to anoxia stress. Ecosystem respiration in the inundated period is lower than in the dry period, apparently due to the lower CO2 outflux from the free water surface, in comparison with the CO2 flux from the soil. During most of the inundation period, the ecotone acts as a sink for CO2, for at least 3 months. The RUE for the ecotone was proximately 5 times higher than the Cerrado. This is probably due to the higher leaf area index of the forest area in the ecotone. The functionality of both biomes is controlled by larger scale environmental factors, as opposed to local factors. The Cerrado s.s. has a strong dependence precipitation and minimal temperature. The Forest-Cerrado ecotone shows a high dependence on the length of the inundated period.


ciclo de carbono forest productivity ecologia de comunidade forest stress floresta ecosystem micrometeorologia seasonal variation savanna umidade do solo cerrado variação sazonal ecossistema community ecology micrometeorology soil nutness carbon cycle estresse produtividade florestal

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