Funções parentais: a problematização freudiana sobre desejo e dever




The purpose of this dissertation is to analyse the concept of paternity or the concept of the fatherly function, defined by Freud, with the goal of understanding what survives form the knowledge of this function in the nem family arrangements found in contemporary society. It is intended to show an in-depth study using the methodology of epistemologic research of the freudian text, of the formation of the father figure and its ordely part in the subectivity and humanity of each person, under the perspective of family relationships. The interest goes beyong the identification of the diversity of ways of participation from the father in family structures, comprinsing Freuds theorie. Present in the most diverse historical periods, shaped in different ways, society looks into adapting to the human needs of each era. In the face of this group of relations and intersubjectivity, the task for each member are set. The templates and models of masculine and feminime behaviour, a result of historically determined cultural elaborations, are recognized as the base for relationships between the genders and generations in the family context, defining their parts, the share of work, power and authority relations, and also laying the moral values, faith and norms of behaviour to the person and his/her social relations. To study the father or the place he occupies is the same as investigating the peculiar nature that describes his function in contemporary society. This entrepreneurship, has Freud as its provocator reference, being able to contribute in the understanding of this ordely and fundamental function to the formation of each subjectivity.


função da cultura cultural function family psicanálise função paterna psycoanalysis psicologia família paternity function pai freud. father freud

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