Funções de marketing na distribuição da soja no Rio Grande do Sul : um estudo comparativo entre cooperativas e empresas privadas


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Lately, in comparing cooperatives and private businesses based on theoretical assumptions, there has been a growing conviction that differences between them are diminishing. There is an increasing consensus that cooperatives which strive to compete with private business use a development process very similar to capitalist behaviour, which is the opposite of the philosophy of cooperati vi sm. The purpose of this study was to achieve a concrete comparison between cooperatives and private companies. Based on field surveys, the behaviour of these two types of institution was compared as to the performance of marketing functions involved in soy-bean distribution in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Twenty-eight cooperatives and twenty private companies studied, were chosen by the amount of soy-bean sold in 1981. The institutions participating in the sample, as function of the volu me of turnover for that year, are classified according to the three following extracts: small, medium-sized and large. In 1981, these institutions had a turnover of 4,5 million tons of soy-bean, equivalent to 74% of the Rio Grande do Sul production for that year. It was concluded, from the results that the main characteristic of cooperatives participating in the soy-bean distribution channel for Rio Grande do Sul is service. They are very active in providing storage, processing, financing and incentives to soy pro duction, but do not participate effectively in product transformation. Industrial processing is carried out mainly by private companies. It became obvious that the marketing functions of the coope ratives are to supoort soy-bean producers, whereas private busines ses generally use them as bargaining instruments to increase, orat least maintain, participation in product purchase. As service companies nrepared to satisfy mainly the demands of the suppliers, cooperatives provi de the users of their services with greater flexibility in terms of when and to whom the product is to be sold. Thus, the results of this study show the contrary of the previously assumed differences between the behaviour of cooperatives and private companies, although a defini te explanation of real differences between them must be confirmed by new studies focusing other aspects of their behaviour.


marketing : canais de distribuicao : cooperativa : empresa privada : comercializacao agricola : soja : rs

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