Função sócio-ambiental e laborativo da posse




In the present work, a study of the legal institute of ownership and its importance as a means of reducing the social inequalities in the modern society is developed. The method utilized is the analytic, thus the study is substantiate in constitutionals and infraconstitutionals dispositives, in doctrine and jurisprudence. The ownership theory is observed through the view of the theory of the economical possession of the ownership proposed by Raymond Saleilles. Aiming to achieve a new perspective on the legal institute of ownership, in order to elicit its imminent social function, as well as to show how the ownership is closely related to the environmental issues. The present study approaches, in the first place, environmental matters and its laws. It shows that the protection of the environment is not just a fundamental right to everybody but it is also a fundamental duty, focusing the importance of an ecological balance in maintaining a healthy quality of life. Therefore, there is no way to separate the environmental issues from the social issues, since the ownership is an institution directly as rooted in the social reality, it provides to everybody the access to land and to housing by his or her own work. Thus, the ownership must also be an environmental variable in the interpretation of its rules as the need of a sustainable use of land. Hence a new perspective on the ownership institute contributes firmly to the protection of human dignity in preserving the access to housing and work and to the protection of the environment in running the utilization of the land according to the environmental legislation.


direitos fundamentais ownership social function work moradia trabalho legislação ambiental função social housing direito meio ambiente posse environment

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