Função social dos tribunais de contas no Sistema Constitucional Brasileiro Probabilidade administrativa Direito difuso / The social role of audit courts in the Brazilian constitutional system administrative probity the common rights




The present dissertation aims to indicate some aspects of the public administration control, emphasizing the external control exercised by the Account Courts in the defense of collective interests nowadays. As this study shows, the Account Courts proceed based on the principles of legality, legitimacy and economic among other constitutional principles. In its constitutional perspective, this institution aims to enable the exercise of the constitutional subject public rights, acting a very important part in public-private relations. The Account Courts are independent institutions and they are in charge of to inspect all the activities developed by the Public Administration, verifying the accountancy of incomes and expenses, budget execution, operational results and changes of public assets, under the aspects of legality, efficiency and efficacy. Through this dissertation it follows that the decisions of Account Courts dont have jurisdictional tutelage and they have an important function as guardian of the correct public administration principles and custodian of the collective interests. Thus, this paper tried to focus the public administration control in the defense of collective interests, performed by the Account Courts, focusing its social function.


legitimidade direitos difusos administração pública social function direito constitucional supervision direito public administration fiscalização direito account courts external control legitimacy

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