From sensibility to signification: a poetic view of photography / Do sensivel a significação : uma poetica da fotografia




This work proposes an conceptual approach to the various contents of photographic image, its interpretation, and decoding, which goes from sensibility to signification; it brings a proposal for an analysis that can effectively justify and demonstrate the condition of poetry (art) of photography, showing which of its uncommon aspects can capture the point of view that makes it eternal and the point of view that resuscitates it, bringing the real value to photographic images, being them whatever they are, showing whatever most important subject they can hold, maintaining their image content throughout time, and serving for a better understanding of the time in which photographs were taken, their scenarios, contexts, implications, and relationships that they have with the different forms of expression that we cal!: Art


images digital techniques fotografia photography photographic fotografia - tecnicas digitais imagens fotograficas photography

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