From granary to scenery viticulture and tourism in the Serra Gaúcha / De celeiro a cenário: vitivinicultura e turismo na Serra Gaúcha




Since the beginning of the 20th century, the Serra Gaúcha, a mountain region located in the northeast of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, is considered the grape and wine biggest and best producing area in Brazil, especially the counties of old Italian settling as Antonio Prado, Bento Gonçalves, Caxias do Sul, Garibaldi, Flores da Cunha and Monte Belo do Sul. During the last 30 years, a succession of changes has affected the wine market, turning it more competitive and internationalized, and has induced the companies established in the region to value some aspects of its production in order to distinguish themselves and keep their prominent position in the national market. Natural aspects as well as those related to the culture and/or to the Italian rooted tradition, typical of the region, have been appreciated, following a world trend. The appreciation of the local and its peculiarities has taken place in a context of capitalist neoliberal globalization and has contributed to the fetishism of the Serra Gaúcha. This process has resulted in a greater importance of the tourism, which starts to perform a key-role at the present, lubricating the gears and improving the functioning of the capital engine. Now, wineries, public power, peasants etc. regard the tourism as a possibility of profit and income increasing. Thus, the area is experiencing the creation of several tourist itineraries, hotels, inns, restaurants and other infra-structures and services for visitors, which capitalize on the cultural legacy transmitted by Italian immigration besides the grape fields, winery, manufactures and small peasant properties. All of these changes have shifted the original character of that region, which becomes now more articulated to the urban areas not just as agricultural supplier, but also as a tourist destination.


lugar space turismo tourism popular culture serra gaúcha vitivinicultura viticulture espaço cultura popular place serra gaúcha

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