Free, pure and happy: youth cultures and raves in Fortaleza / Livres, Puros e Felizes: Culturas Juvenis e Festas Rave em Fortaleza




This research discusses the relationship between music, youth culture and party in the urban space. Its part of the perception of youth as a socially constructed category, in addition to age and identity principles generally attributed to this stage of the life cycle of the individual. It aims to understand social practices, attitudes, consumption practices, discourses and symbols adopted by the youth during their participation in a specific type of electronic music festival, commonly known as rave. The raves happen not only in different places, but mainly in the open spaces, is also called open air festivals. These festivals occur most often in areas that stand out for its natural beauty, choosing to host the events from sites, farms and hotels away from the city. The empirical material from which stems the reflections that follow include bibliographical, documentary, and especially field research, participant observation carried out during the period 2008 to 2009, it was possible to attend 17 raves held in Fortaleza and cities neighbors.


youth cultures rave parties jovens - fortaleza(ce) - usos e costumes festas rave música eletrônica - aspectos sociais - fortaleza(ce) culturas juvenis jovens - conduta - fortaleza(ce) música eletrônica rave(festa) - fortaleza(ce) eletronic music jovens - fortaleza(ce) - atitudes sociologia

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