Free architecture: complexity, metadesign and nomad science / Arquitetura livre: complexidade, metadesign e ciência nômade




We describe the context of ubiquitous computing as related to the computers popularization and its presence in the urban environment and in industrial products of mass consumption. We describe and analyze the main feature of this context: its complexity. As a first attempt at dealing with the design of complexity, we recall a design approach known as Metadesign, which derived from the formalist approach of the Ulm School of Design. We propose an update of this method regarding four main characteristics: levels of abstraction, procedural design, emergent properties and topology. We criticize this first attempt based on Metadesign, and we propose an option, what we call Arquitetura Livre, which questions established design procedures exactly on what they have in common with the formalism identified in Metadesign. Arquitetura Livre is based on appropriations from Post-structuralism, Phenomenology, Media Ecology and Free Software, seeking a design approach that is non-deterministic and non-instrumental with regard to complexity.


design interaction design ubiquitous computing computação ubíqua arquitetura móvel arquitetura livre projeto software livre móbile architecture complexity metadesign information appliances free architecture design de interação complexidade free software

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