Fragmentação do espaço da/na cidade de São Paulo: espacialidades diversas do bairro da Água Branca. / Fragmentation of space of/in the city of São aulo: spacialites of the neighboorhood of Água Branca.




In this research, we lean out on a fraction of São Paulo city, located on its near west, took here, in a large way, under the designation of Água Branca. Taking from the present reality in its complexity we question the existence of "Água Branca" as a neighbourhood. When we leaned out on the neighbourhood, its concept and the theorizations of this urban life organization level, we discovered that Água Branca has a historical movement of its spacialities which goes beyond the neighbourhood. The neighbourhood and its specific sociability, called "neighbourhood life", might has existed on the area. But, neither this local arises as a neighbourhood nor persists as one nowadays. This movement showed us three moments. Água Branca was in the beginning a rural location of the São Paulo surroundings. From industrialization, begins to arise on the area the heighbourhood of Água Branca. The configuration of the metropolis, resulted from the urbanization process advance, dissolve the neighbourhood and the area begins to be an immersed portion on the metropolis. On this movement, the area goes through a transformation: the space, the way of life inside of it, its relations with the rest of the city, at last, its function, structure and form. Such spacialities are done and only can be understood if they are analized from the relation of amplier historical processes, such as the (un)industrialization and the urbanization, (un)valorization of the space, etc., in short, processes that occur in the city as a whole or even in the country scale, with the social processes which occur on local scale. In other words, to understnad the area and its historical transformations it is necessary to understand both the amplier social processes and the ones related to the local scale simultaneously. Because of it, we examined the processes of industrialization and urbanization of São Paulo city in an ample way, intending to emphasize the aspects of its processes that are more important for the understanding of the area.


cidade urbanization industrialization unindustrialization urbanização espaço urban bairro desindustrialização industry city space spacialities and way of life neighbourhood indústria espacialidade e modo de vida urbano industrialização metrópole metropolis

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