Fotoperiodismo e competição de grão de polen como mecanismo de isolamento genetico entre milho e teosinte




This research was carried out at the Experimental Area of the Maize Genetic Laboratory of the State University of Campinas CUNICAMP). latitude 22º54 S. Field experiments were done in order to study the response of maize and teosinte to photoperiod and to investigate cmpetition of polen grains of the two taxa, as possible mecanisms of isolation of the two group in nature. Four population of teosinte were studied. El Batan and Los Reyes as Zea mays mexicana and Diploperene and Luxurians as Zea diploperennis and Zea luxurians respectively. The cultivar Pajimaca was used, as representantive of the cultivated species Zea mays mays. From the photosensitivity study it was concluded that maize and annual Mexican tesintes, El Batan and Los Reyes, of Section Zea have similar response to photoperiod. However, they difer entirely from teosintes Luxurians and Diploperene. of the Section Luxuriantes. This seems a mechanism of temporal genetic isolation of maize and its most distant wild relatives. Such mechanism is important to the survival of the wild ancestor as gene flow from the domesticated species to the wild species. yields hybrids that may easily be extinct in nature. The information from pollen grains competition study suggested that exist a well defined genetics barriers between the two taxa living simpatrically what makes one to doubts whether there really be a vigorous gene flow between the two species, as belived


gramineas fotoperiodismo milho

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