Fortalecendo o Subsistema Nacional de Vigilância em Saúde Ambiental: uma análise crítica de sua concepção e operacionalização. / Strengthening the National System of Environmental Health Surveillance: c critical analysis of its conception and operation




A critical analysis of the National Sub-system of Environmental Health Surveillance (SINVSA) in Brazil is undertaken with the view to contribute to its strengthening. This study proposes a logic model of the SINVSA based on the perception of key informers about the environmental health surveillance sub-system launched by the Ministry of Health in Brazil. Moreover a historical description of its organizational framework is undertaken. To achieve that documental analysis, the experience of the author and a qualitative descriptive and exploratory study was carried out. In the latter case data has been collected through 11 interviews with key informers based on the Health Surveillance Secretariat / Ministry of Health, The collected data was systematized using the technique of speech analysis, based on previously defined analytical categories. These categories were structured in a diversity of dimensions in order to express the perception of the managers about the system its conception and operation. This allowed the elaboration of the logical model proposed by this study.


análise de discurso history of the environmental health surveillance in brazil informantes-chave modelo lógico logical model key informers sinvsa environmental health surveillance saude publica vigilância em saúde ambiental história da vsa speech analysis

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