FORMAÇÃO E SUBJETIVIDADE: A experiência de formandos em psicologia




T he present work discusses about the psychosocial mediations engendered in the socialization process of psychology graduating students. The constitution of the subjectivity is developed from the human objectifications actually made. Therefore, in a world that is taken by the capitalistic logic of production and reproduction, where the mechanisms of the informal knowledge of the unreality leads, it is extremely important to understand the possibilities of a subjectivity constitution that it is able to face the objective conditions then built. The autonomy is hindering and the formation for itself is compromised. The formative experience trajectory is submitted to how the instances of socialization are internalized by the individuals and at the same time outsourced in the building process. To study this subject matter, a research was developed in order to grasp the senses produced by the psychology graduating students about the wider meaning of the formation particularly the self-process in psychology which implies the constitution of an individual apt to establish autonomous and conscious relations with the reality.


mediaÇÃo psico-social psicologia formaÇÃo profissional subjetividade psicolÓgo

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