Formação e Exercício Profissional de Docentes dos Anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental: relações entre o Projeto do Curso de Pedagogia da LPP/UEG e a prática pedagógica observada na escola.




This dissertation sets out to study teacher formation for the early years of Primary School in the Pedagogy Course. Its general aim is to analyze the professional action of two teachers who concluded a course called a Full Modular Licentiate (LPP) in the Laranjeiras/Goiânia Campus of the Goiás State University (UEG) in 2005, and are teaching second and third grades at primary level in a municipality school, to which they were attached before starting their Third Level Education. The method of investigation is dialectic and the research is qualitative in the form of a case study, using direct observation in two classrooms and an analysis of interviews with the Principal, pedagogical coordination and teachers. The theoretical referential deals with teacher formation; professionalizing teachers; the Curricular Guidelines for the Pedagogy Course; the LPP/UEG of the Pedagogy Course in the Laranjeiras Campus. It is based on the ideas of Mizukami (1986); Nóvoa (1991); Garcia (1996); Freire (1996); Silva (1999); Cunha (1999); Alarcão (1998, 2001); Brzezinski (1996, 2001, 2005, 2007); Freitas (2001, 2007); Saviani (1987, 2007); and others. The historical review of the evolution of the Pedagogy Course in Brazil was supported and referenced by research in documentary sources: laws, decrees, resolutions, reports, guidelines, with a view to situating the paradigms for the formation of a pedagogue. The choice of the intentional sample responded to the following criteria: a) being a regular teacher in the school; b) having formation in Pedagogy in the University Program for Workers in Education at UEG (Full Modular Licentiate) in the Larangeiras Campus; c) being a graduate from the course in 2005; d) being a teacher working with students from 1st to 5th grade of Primary School; e) remaining on in the same school, from before entering the LPP/UEC Program to the time of observation of teaching practice. A documental analysis of the LPP/UEC Program, the Pedagogical Policy Project of the Pedagogy Course (contract V) and of the National Curricular Guidelines for the formation of primary education teachers was carried out. The research allows us to affirm that the course offered by LPP/UEG seems to have changed the pedagogical actions of the teachers very little, given that the knowledge, conceptions and theories which underlie the project for the course were not identified in the praxis of these teachers.


licenciatura plena parcelada da ueg full modular licentiate at ueg formação e atuação profissional de pedagogas. educacao formation and professional practice of pedagogues. policies for teacher formation políticas de formação de professores

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