Formação e dinamica do campo da educação ambiental no Brasil : emergencia, identidades, desafios




The following thesis interprets the development and dynamic of the environmental education field in Brasil. It explores its cultural and historical background, tracing its ideal and material growth until its institutionalization; the different existing currents of its political-pedagogical discourses; the dynamics of its territorial disputes, the characteristics that shape the environmental educator s identity as well as the main possibilities and challenges experienced as the field of environmental education gains ground. It draws on a multifaceted theoretical and methodological structure, including contributions from comprehensive sociology, dialectics, Pierre Bourdieu s Theory of social fields to Edgar s Morin Complexity Theory. The work develops an interpretation that simultaneously describes, analyses, narrates and critically questions the formation of a new social field in its identities, conflicts and challenges. In this way it confirms the internal diversity of the field, its political and conflicting character, the dispute between its different currents, the limits and potential of each of the latter, and the complexity that characterizes them. It concludes, finally, that the political complexity of the interplay of education, society and the environment requires a critical and integrative form of analysis incorporating and expressing ali of its dimensions


environmental education educação ambiental - brasil - historia desenvolvimento sustentavel history educacional sociology environmental education educação ambiental sustainable development sociologia educacional brazil

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